Our Partners

When a family wants to bridge the gap to become self-sufficient, they need the support of many different organizations.
We strategically partner with Routt County, Moffat County, and Rio Blanco County businesses and agencies to improve the education, financial stability, and health of local families. By coordinating and collaborating with our peers, we can make the greatest impact in our community.
United Way of the Yampa Valley is the leader of the Human Resource Coalition, a network of health and human service agencies that work collectively to address community problems. We lead the development of Routt and Moffat County’s Health and Human Services Plan, identifying human service needs, priorities, and goals based on data in our county to guide our future decisions.
Impact Partners
United Way of the Yampa Valley supports over 20 agencies and programs that are making an impact in Routt and Moffat County resident’s lives by improving early childhood education, youth success, and financial stability.
Our Impact Partners are agencies and programs making an impact in Routt and Moffat County.
Human Resource Coalition
The Human Resource Coalition (HRC) was formed more than 35 years ago, creating collaboration, communication, and coordination between the health and human service agencies and programs across Routt County. Once a month more than 30 human resource agencies meet to build relationships, learn about resources provided, share important referral information, and consolidate funding that will progress the growth of health and human resources available.

HRC creates the Routt County Health & Human Service Plan, a comprehensive summary of three-year term goals for the health and human service sector. Together, HRC aims to continue community wide awareness of resources available, innovate and sustain dedicated community support and involvement programs, leverage city and county funds, and provide professional development opportunities for HRC members.
HRC provides an annual funding cycle every fall. To apply for a grant, you will need to create a login using your email and a password. You can log out of your application throughout the five week open application period to make changes. You must complete the application completely and click the final submit button in order to be considered for a grant. When writing your HRC Grant Application, please refer to the most recent Routt County Health and Human Service Plan. For any questions on the HRC grant process, contact Routt County United Way.
The Human Resource Coalition grant cycle for City and County funding dates are TBA. Any 501c3 organization that serves health and human services in Routt County is eligible to apply.
Corporate Partners
United Way of the Yampa Valley (UWYV) is your community leader in health and human services. We partner with over 20 agencies to identify the core problems in our community and champion solutions that have proven results. UWYV is undergoing a new strategy to engage donors in Routt and Moffat County to fund these solutions.
There are several opportunities for your business to partner with us to be a part of this good work, and gain recognition throughout the community. Please join us as we make a difference in people’s lives.