Advancing the common good in the Yampa Valley.

Our community is powered by YOU

Your contribution to United Way of the Yampa Valley goes towards uniting people, ideas, and resources to advance the common good in education, financial stability, and health.

Help Children in Need

Join us for the annual Women United Supplies for Success Drive! We’re gathering school supplies for students across all Routt County communities and packing backpacks for children supported by Integrated Community. Your contributions are crucial in meeting the needs of our local schools and children.


United Way of the Yampa Valley announced a significant leadership change Monday as part of its ongoing strategic evolution. Effective July 15, 2024, Jennifer “Jen” Bruen will assume the role of Interim Executive Director. Kate Nowak, who has served as Executive Director since 2013, begins her well-earned retirement this fall.

Our Impact Areas

We focus our efforts on three areas where we make the greatest impact: education, financial stability, and health.

Education Financial Stability Health Education Financial Stability Health