Advancing the common good in the Yampa Valley.

Our community is powered by YOU

Your contribution to United Way of the Yampa Valley goes towards uniting people, ideas, and resources to advance the common good in education, financial stability, and health.

Youth United Way Grant Applications Open Jan 15th!

The Human Resource Council (HRC) is a group of agency representatives and individuals with a vested interest in local community service affairs. The purpose of the HRC is to provide support funding and information to its members, collaboratively seek financial support, act as a collective voice, coordinate services to avoid duplication, and increase awareness regarding community service needs and activities.

Meet Alice

1 in 3 Coloradans struggle to afford basics like housing and childcare

Colorado families show resilience despite widespread financial challenges, new United Way study finds.

The ALICE Report moves beyond traditional poverty measures, like the Federal Poverty Level, offering county-by-county data that reveals the broader financial challenges many households experience. This data reflects Colorado’s current financial landscape and serves as a valuable tool for United Way organizations and their partners to identify gaps in support, address systemic barriers and work toward building a more resilient and equitable Colorado.

Our Impact Areas

We focus our efforts on three areas where we make the greatest impact: education, financial stability, and health.

Education Financial Stability Health Education Financial Stability Health